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Plants Found in the Desert

The Ghaf Tree, which is a tree that germinates easily seeds grow fast, survives in the desert because of its hard bark to protect its water supply from predators.


Rose bay is a very abundant plant! Its leaves, flowers, and wood are toxic to prevent itself from being eaten by predators.


The Dhafra is blue grey bush with a magenta flower. It survives because it can tolerate all ranges of soils and can flourish with little water.


A commensalism relationship can be found between the cactus and wren. The cactus wren species builds its nest in cholla cactus. While this is beneficial for the bird as it helps it keep its young ones safe from predators, the cacti species remains unaffected. Other commensalism examples in deserts include the fringe toed lizard or gopher snake occupying a hole made by the desert rat and creosote bush growing under the shade of holly shrub.

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