Tralvel Information
What to Remember When Visting Dubai
Dubai is a city very rich in culture and tradition. They are very conservative so here are 6 things to remember when visting Dubai.
1. No kissing, signs of affection The culture in UAE is very conservative when it comes to the opposite sex, almost any form of affection ,other than hand holding, is frowned upon
2. No swearing, indecent gesture The Arabian culture is very strict on individuals acting respectable. The government has been known to fine and imprison persons for swearing.
3. No photos of others without permission Many native families are sensitive to the issue of being photographed by a stranger, even if they are not the focus of the picture. The photographer can be taken to court and fined.
4. No disrespect of any religion There are many religions that are valued in the UAE and all of which must be respected by natives and tourists.
5. No personal space with opposite sex Every situation is different, but it is forbidden to share private space, such as a house, room, etc. with the opposite sex, unless the two are related. Although this is a strict rule of natives, the tourists are usually looked over when is comes to this custom.
6. No indecent clothing Although the heat may tempt otherwise, shorts and skirts must be appropriate lengths and there is to be no indecent exposure of the body. Articles of clothing may not portray any inappropriate slogans or pictures. Swimwear is allowed but must not be too revealing (no topless sunbathing or thongs).